The Purpose of Work:

Why do we build particle accelerators? Why do we have restaurants? Why do we go to work every day? We think we go to our respective jobs all day, every day, to make money. But the point is to be happy. That's it. A restaurateur wants to make money so they can have a home and feed their family and do the things they want to do. An engineer working on a space ship goes to work to make money so they can have a home and feed their family and do the things they want to do. The fact that civilization has set up a system whereby we exchange money to make things happen and make everyone go to work in the process doesn't change that the end result of work is supposed to be happiness.

Space travel, quarterly profits, production quotas... none of it really matters. It's just a game. It's giving us all something to do while we're here on Earth. We need to fool ourselves into thinking that's not the case insofar as it's necessary to keep the game running, but we must also remind ourselves from time to time that deep down, the satisfaction, self growth, and happiness are the only really important things, and the instant a job gets to be artificially stressful (e.g. due to artifices of bureaucracy and not from challenges intrinsic to the work), the managers have steered the organization poorly.

~Justine Haupt